● Feb. 15 & 21: Savvy Cooperative will host three webinars spotlighting Black-led organizations doing work in treatment areas that affect Black Americans at a substantial rate. The first webinar has passed; two additional webinars will be held on Feb. 15 and Feb. 21. Learn how Savvy Cooperative, a patient-owned cooperative, and other featured organizations are addressing specific challenges that Black individuals may have when getting care or attempting to get care and empowering patients of all backgrounds to be better self-advocates. Find more information here.
● Feb. 27, March 6 & 13: The Real People’s Fund will host a three-part series, “Small Businesses and the City of Oakland — What’s Really Going On & How We Build Better!” on building power to address the deepest needs of the Oakland, CA small business community. Series sessions will be held on three consecutive Mondays: 2/27, 3/6, and 3/13 from 5:30-7:30pm PT. The 2/27 session will be in person, and the 3/6 and 3/13 sessions will be held virtually. Sign up here by February 20th to join the conversation. Sessions are free.
● March 3: Guild member Gowri J. Krishna, Professor of Law, New York Law School and other panelists will present “Representing Immigrant-Owned Businesses” on March 3 at 10am PT/1pm ET for the American Bar Association. This webinar will explore legal aspects of immigrant entrepreneurship and best practices for lawyers representing immigrant-owned businesses. Topics will include the relationship between work authorization and business ownership, minimizing risks to immigrant entrepreneurs, and the use of co-op legal structures for immigrant-owned enterprises. Register here.
● April 2023: SMU's International Centre for Cooperative Management will host "Taking Action on Principle 6," a two-day (virtual) interactive short course in April 2023 to take a deep dive on the topic of Cooperative Principle 6 from diverse perspectives. From the role of associations and federations to business partnerships and supply chains, to the development of new co-operatives. All content and examples will illustrate the benefits of inter-co-operation in strengthening co-operatives, economies, and communities.
● Aug. 20-30: The International Centre for Co-operative Management and the J. Dobrila University of Pula (Croatia) are offering an international cooperative law summer school on August 20-30, 2023 in Pula, Croatia for co-op practitioners and students. It will be taught by international cooperative law expert Hagen Henrÿ and other guest speakers. Courses bridge co-operative law, cooperative identity (ICA 1995), and sustainable development with legal rules and practice. Find more information here.
Community Announcements
● The Solidarity Economy Principles Community of Practice launches March 19th. Principles and practices are outlined at solidarityeconomyprinciples.org. There are no fees. If you are working with cooperatives, land trusts, incubators, or groups interested in solidarity economy, please tell them about this free multilingual peer network. To learn more, register for PeoplesHub’s two upcoming workshops: Introduction to Solidarity Economy Movements, and Liberation Culture.
Community Jobs and Engagements
● Project Equity has a cooperative transition coming up in the state of Georgia. They are looking for references to attorneys with cooperative (preferably worker cooperative) experience who are licensed in Georgia. Please contact Stacey Smith at stacey@project-equity.org and Alicia Ijewere at alicia@project-equity.org.
● Cooperation Buffalo (in Buffalo, NY) is seeking a community-minded, passionate, and creative individual to help us build and support worker cooperatives in Buffalo through relationship building, education, business development, and non-extractive lending. Find the full Cooperative Developer job announcement here.
● Jason Wiener|p.c., a public benefit corporation, a remote-first law firm, with headquarters in Boulder, Colorado, is currently seeking two entrepreneurial paralegals (one of which may be a law clerk) to assist a small group of attorneys who specialize in transactional and corporate work for social enterprise and cooperative business models. Please read the description here and share with anyone interested in applying.
● TakeRoot Justice seeks applicants with 2 to 7 years relevant substantive legal experience for the position of Staff Attorney to join TakeRoot’s Capacity Building practice. More information is available in this job announcement.